Fashion & Lifestyle
Many people question this and ask us if it would be just one thing. And the answer is: no. It’s not the same thing and I’m here to explain the difference between them. Fashion is a clothing trend determined at a time and reflects the behavior of society within the contexts in which it is inserted. Style is a set of factors, such as our personality, influences, beliefs, experiences and everything else that concerns our essence. It is he who guarantees a more consistent look, respecting who we are, which brings a deeper bias. This is one of the big differences between fashion and style! Fashion walks with the collective,…
Design & Creative Solutions
What Is a Creative Solution? The Creative Process Design (Interior, Fashion, etc.) bring together two different things: artistic creation and the practical world of commerce. Put simply, it is intelligence / Vision made tridimensional, physical and possible. A designer is a creative artist who deals with the realities of planning, from assessing client needs and crafting a solution to selecting appropriate materials (papers, inks, glues, and varnishes), maintaining strict budgets, and understanding the aesthetics. The Design A designer must make connections between creativity and process in the mind in order to successfully communicate a message to an audience and answer a client’s needs. What Is a Creative Solution? At its…